Then what's the appeal of fantasy football? The answer is a little complex, but for the most part its not really about football, its about statistics and strategy. It's the strategy element that has the most interest for me.
A friend of mine, a new player in the league, said she uses strategy based on both Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and the board game Risk. Okay, sounds interesting. Since I've rekindled my love of the martial arts recently I've also revisited Sun Tzu, Miayomoto Musashi's The Book of Five Rings, Yamamoto Tsunetomo's Hagakure.
They are all books on warfare, strategy, and the proper way of life for the samurai. They haven't been all that helpful in moving me out of 9th place in my league, but they have been very useful in helping me shape a new path for my life. I'm not one for following another's path blindly or in its entirety, but you can draw wisdom and understanding from many sources - with some offering unique insight and some reinforcing the ideas of others; all helpful in navigating this strange and wonderful life. Here are some of my favorite strategies of simply being:
From The Book of Five Rings:
- Do not think dishonestly.
- The Way is in training.
- Become acquainted with every art.
- Know the Ways of professions.
- Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.
- Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.
- Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
- Pay attention even to trifles.
- Do nothing which is of no use.
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